Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sure is hot!

“Sure is a scorture out there!”

Yes, yes it is hahaha! Right now I am just chilling on my laptop, while not really chilling cause here in Woburn, MA it actually getting very hot out.

75 to be exact, while the weather channel was saying it was just suppose to be 62 today. Guess they were wrong again!

Warm weather here!
How is everyone else’s weather going? Check it out on a map!

Twitter & Cash Money?

So, last night I was on my Twitter account, just reading my feed. I read a friends tweet. He said he was making money from tweeting, by just using his own twitter account. I was surprised when he told me he has made over $400 by doing it too!

I immediately went back to his profile and clicked the link. It is a advertizing program for twitter feeds call Adly. I think it works great! I signed up, it took about 5min, and started earning money in less than 30min! It wasn’t much at first, but I am sure it will add up.

If you tweet, and you want to make some extra cash on the side, you should really check this out!

All the right moves

So I am waking up this morning in a good mood. Just got a call for an interview FINALLY! From Comcast too, so I am really hoping that the world will finally, FINALLY, give me a slight break.

I need a break lol, I got the moves, I got the friends, I just need a decent respectable job I guess, and hopefully I get that chance.

So wish me luck tomorrow :)

This song from One Republic called All The Right Moves kind of reminds me of how I have been the past few weeks haha, it is a very good catchy song, great for any listener.

Watch the music video and listen free right now below!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Adam showed me this AWESOME movie last night. Johnny Depp plays George Jung, a young man who finds himself a decent living in the drug business. First he finds that marijuana selling makes bank; However, while in jail he found that he wanted more. He becomes the biggest cocaine dealer in the U.S. in the 1980’s by introducing it to America. He was the first person to ever fly coke from Colombia to the U.S. and became the biggest and best drug dealer ever!

I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes Johnny Depp (especially in his younger years) and anyone who just likes good movies in general!!!


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With the rising cost of gas, I’ve been trying to find a way to save money AND fill my gas tank. I came across this AMAZING thing called Gas4Free which allows your car to run off of WATER! Talk about cheap fuel!! More like FREE FUEL!!!

Learn more here!!

Made amazing meal, from an e-cookbook?!?

So, for dinner tonight, I made the most amazing scalloped potatoes dish ever, and I found this gluten free, low fat, delicious recipe online!

This cookbook is actually were I found the recipe and I can tell you now, for $20, this is a great deal!

The book is called Paleo Cookbook, and is filled with Gluten Free, Dairy Free And Preservative Free Recipes!

So vegans, vegetarians, people who are allergic to gluten and everyone else can eat great!

The cookbook I bought comes with over 200 recipes and comes in two separate books. Both can be printed and everything is great!

Check it out and let me know what you make!

Just made $500, if you need cash look at this!

So, just was online and found an amazing deal, I couldn’t pass it up. I literally just made $500 in a real check in like 45min!

If anyone is interested in this I suggest you click here now!

All this is, it tells you how to get people to buy online, through their cell phones. You just sit there and tell your friends to spend some money, and you watch money come right in!

I couldn’t believe it but this is definitely the new thing online on how to make money, forget those surveys and all that other junk.

You want money like me? Click here and make it now!

Ok, well Geek Squad Sucks

So last week our Toshiba laptop broke. The battery couldn’t be charged any more so, because Adam bought the insurance on it two years ago, we brought it into Best Buy to get it fixed.

So we walk in, go to the Geek Squad desk and started talking to someone. The guy tells us yes it can be fixed, but he recommended that we back everything up before we send it out. So we were like ok, that should be covered in the insurance because Adam paid $265 just for 3 years or coverage.

But sadly, no. The man at the counter begins telling me for 2 DVDs worth of data, it was $100! What the hell!!! Also for unlimited DVDs it is $150!!! WTF BEST BUY AND GEEK SQUAD YOU SUCK!

Our laptop is a 250GB HDD, so it would have costs $150 more that day if we backed it up.

So my boyfriend just decided to just rip out the hard drive (HDD) and then bring it back and get it fixed, for free (on the day of bringing it in).

Three days later we brought it in, no hard drive, and the guy said it would take a week.

Well Geek Squad, it’s been a week, we are waiting haha.

Anyway we are going to continue to keep up with this blog, even though we now have no computer.

So keep to checking back, we promise you won’t be disappointed!